We have moved! BC Performance Horses is now based in Canberra

EP21: Perspectives From "C" with Dressage Judge: Ally O'Neill

In case you've ever wondered what the judges are thinking... Ally O'Neill is here to shed light on what's going on, on the other side of the centerline.

Ally shares her perspective as a trainer, coach & A level Judge while giving her insights into what goes into the training & ring craft behind a 70% dressage test [spolier: "it's very achievable"] as a taste of what you're going to get by working with her inside Beth's signature program, The Dressage Dream.


You can find Beth:

On her instagram: @bc.performancehorses

In her Facebook Community: Dressage Communication + Connection

& on her website: www.bcperformancehorses.com


You can find Ally:

On her Instagram: @allyoneilldressage

On her Facebook: Ally ONeill Dressage


Work with us in The Dressage Dream.