Beth is an enthusiastic coach who believes that training your horse to work correctly should be uncomplicated & feel good you and your horse.Â
Channeling her experiences from her years training with some of the top trainers in Germany & Australia Beth works closely with you & your horse to guide you towards your dressage dreams.
Beth is available to travel to coach throughout Canberra and surrounding areas.

"When Sonja brought her Warmblood Night for their first lesson she was struggling.
She was struggling with her belief in her abilities which had a paralysing affect on her confidence while struggling to get her horse forward, straight, connected or any of the basic elements.
Through consistent lessons Sonja has been able to train Night to work forward, straight & connected in walk, trot and canter as well as establishing leg yields & shoulder in
She now feels confident in what she needs to do to pursue her goals which allows her to enter each ride with a plan."
Chat with Beth about getting started with lessons.
"Riding with Beth has given me enough so much more confidence and purpose in my riding which has made it so much more enjoyable! After having a break from riding due to having kids I found myself stuck in a rut, riding around confusing my horse, making no progress and feeling disappointed after most rides.
 I avoided canter as I knew I would our trot would fall apart after and I just didn't know how to get him back together.Â
After just one lesson with Beth we were back on track with an idea of what we needed to focus on and how to do it.Â
With continued lessons I now know not just the right aids and exercises to get the most out of my rides but also the feel of when we get it right so I can reward my horse at the right time which has helped us so much to make real progress.Â
I'm not afraid to work on our issues anymore because I have a plan for what to do if we don’t get it straight away and I know how to work through our issues without giving up or going backwards.Â
All of our paces have improved since starting riding Beth especially our consistency to be in the correct frame and our transitions both between and within the paces.Â
We are working on our lateral work now and with every ride we are getting more and more correct steps and I can really feel my horse loosening up and relaxing into the movements.
 I really feel like I am in control of my riding again and can ask so much more of my horse without stress.Â
I feel like I am riding so much more correctly and with so much more purpose. Beth tailors our lessons so we are working on movements that help us progress correctly and I always look forward to my lessons with Beth.
 I would highly recommend instruction from Beth as I know from experience that Beth genuinely gets results and has the knowledge and experience to get the most out of both horse and rider.Â
She adjusts her lessons to suit what you need so you can make real progress!Â
Riding has become so much more enjoyable for me and I know my horse is enjoying our rides more too as I feel him being so much more relaxed and confident!"

"Beth has been a valuable instructor to me, she has a wonderful understanding of how the horse should feel and move and is able to translate that to her students so they get the results!Â
Her clear explanations and guidance (especially when I have been nervous) have helped me return to riding after a long break."
"My riding has improved, without a doubt, since riding with Beth. My “ovals”became circles and she made sure I had a more focused way of riding.
She helped me to get my mare back into work after being a paddock ornament for many yrs. This horse got 2 first places in a local dressage competition - thanks to Beth!
She started training my 4 yr old gelding, who can be difficult at times, her knowledge of training young horses, was invaluable!"

"I can't recommend Beth highly enough.
My horse was recovering from an injury and I wasn't confident about how to bring him successfully back into work.Â
I had seen her training other horses and the massive difference she had made to them.
Beth listened carefully to my concerns and tailor-made a program that would both strengthen my horse physically and help us to both regain riding confidence.
I couldn't be happier with the results.
My horse has never looked better and we are both enjoying our riding time, and progressing steadily.
Beth is kind and compassionate and I feel confident that she has our best interests at heart.
Her knowledge and experience gives her the insight to give accurate and appropriate advice that brings out the best in us.Â
I'm so glad to have her as my teacher."
"Meeting Beth was the lightbulb moment I needed with my horse.
For 4 years I had worked tirelessly on building relaxation and connection with my 23 year old gelding, but I couldn’t master relaxed effortless downwards transitions and halt.
Countless clinics and lessons, and watching every training video I could get my hands on, all were helping me in little ways, but no addressing the cause of my problems.
I got to a point where I didn’t know if the issues lay with me or my horse, or if just weren’t speaking the same language.
What I needed was for an expert rider to work out where the problems lay, and get to work fixing them.
The perfect moment came up when I met Beth at the stables I agist at (and she works out of) I shared with her my issues and she immediately offered to help me get to the bottom of them.
From watching her with other clients horses, behind the scenes, I knew I could trust her with my boy.
Her priority was always the care and welfare of the horse, and her riding style consistent, clear, patient, and kind.
I had also seen her teach and knew that she had a great way to get ger clear message across that just seemed to make sense to her students.
After her first ride she told me that my lovely boy had to learn to respond to seat aids and learn to feel comfortable and relaxed when his feet were still.
With consistency and frequency, he began to make amazing progress. Although the first rides appeared uneventful and slow, the slower pace paid dividends as his progression started to set in.
My initial goal was to be able to ride a canter circle and slow down to a half using my seat. It felt ambitious given how far we were from doing that. 6 months later, we are performing upwards and downwards transitions, in consistent contact.
I am able to find gears within a gait, and canter the whole of the arena, at a constant speed, and transition to a trot or walk without a battle and without losing relaxation.
Beth's training & subsequent lessons have far exceeded my expectations, and with her help I have far exceeded my intial goals.
I have found an even greater passion for my riding and am loving it even more than I thought possible.
Beth has shown me that by taking time to build the correct training foundations, working to the horses timeline, and with consistency, you get outstanding results (even with a mature age pairing such as us!).
I can’t thank Beth enough for her patient kind training of both my horse, and I!"