The Dressage Dream starts here...

Join the program proven to elevate your scores to 70% & beyond.

[I'm not kidding when I tell you every previous program member to compete after completing The Dressage Dream has consistently scored 70% or higher].

Joining The Dressage Dream will get you:
12 weeks of live group coaching.
✨ 1:1 support through 8 video audits.
✨ 9x live group coaching calls.
✨ 3x guest coaching calls.
✨ Prompted accountability Dream Journal.
✨ Merch pack.

Only 8 spaces available!

Former Dreamers are saying...

I love how highly the program can be individualised! Coming into The Dressage Dream I was struggling to structure my rides but the explanations that Beth gives are awesome. She answered my questions and was able to help me formulate a more precise training plan that has made training anything with my horse possible!


Before joining The Dressage Dream I was struggling to get my horse forward and riding from behind. The Dressage Dream helped me understand why it’s important to be forward moving and how to achieve pushing from the hind. I used to go into my daily training with no goals or plans for what I wanted to achieve in that session which really stunted my progress. After TDD with Beth I now plan what I want from my daily ride and have a goal I’d like to accomplish by the end. My training sessions have become so much easier and I’ve made a lot of progress. Beth is absolutely amazing and the way she explains things is super easy to understand. I love the way the weekly calls where set out and being able to ask questions whenever. I learnt so much from Beth that I use every time I ride! The video audits for me really solidified my learning and having Beth gives me tips each week really helped me with what I wanted to achieve by the next video and it was great to be able to see a visual improvement.


Going it alone wasn’t working and I didn’t know where to start with my very spooky mare. I lacked any clear cut goals so I approached my training more casually as I didn’t want to train my horse ‘incorrectly’ or teach her the wrong thing. I was worried my lack of confidence would stop me from getting the most out of The Dressage Dream. But in doing this course I learned so much! Right from the beginning I gained tools that have helped me set achievable goals and keep the attention of my mare so she’s not so spooky [never underestimate the power of the shoulder-in!]. Now I feel like I have a lot more confidence to teach her correctly. I truly loved working with Beth! She’s a wealth of knowledge and makes you feel like you can accomplish anything.


From the very first video audit Beth was able to identify problems in my understanding of the contact that I didn't even know that I had. Through the program and weekly video audits Beth was able to help me plan out my riding sessions to be more efficient which helped me make huge improvements in my horses contact and the transitions. All of a sudden I can't get enough of riding my horse as I now see the difference good contact makes to overall riding. I really enjoyed the feedback from my videos and highly recommend you give it a go. You will only gain from it!


$750.00 AUD

2 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

All content inside The Dressage Dream remains property of BC Performance Horses and will not be shared with anyone other than the purchaser.

The purchaser understands that horses can be dangerous and unpredictable and proceeds at their own risk. BC Performance Horses takes no responsibility for any incident that may cause injury or death of horse or rider.

Video Audits are to take place within the agreed upon timeframe, if an audit is not completed & a new timeframe is not negotiated in a timely manner, the purchaser forfeits that audit.

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